Give Today

Why Give?

Time poor? No worries. You can still contribute to our project by giving a financial donation.
We rely on financial donations to keep our doors open, and our events and activities running. As our community of GOLDIES grows, our unique initiatives require ever more funding, as does the maintenance of our Uccle Freespace and business operation. Just a few euros can help us maintain and develop our mission of inspiring GOLDIES, improving lives and fostering intergenerational change in society. Every action, no matter how small, can make a big difference.

Please note that in Belgium your donations to WARNED are tax deductible from €40/year (with an absolute maximum of €392,200 for those who can be more than others..).

Help us do what we do. We thank you for your support!

What Your Donation Can Do



Our Thé Dansant events aim to be as inclusive and accessible as possible for our GOLDIE community. This is why we ensure our ticket price is capped at the low price of 10 EURO. With just a 25 EURO donation, you can sponsor the entrance of a GOLDIE at one of our Thé Dansant events. Your extra support allows us to provide an exceptional experience - a high quality English style Afternoon Tea including champagne, a team of dedicated hosts and servers and all entertainment, live music, cabaret and artistic performance - all in a fantastic setting!



Become a member of the WARNED collective for just 50 EURO . This modest donation enables us to continue our mission of activating further social, personal and professional development in our GOLDIE community - and effecting intergenerational change throughout the WARNED universe.



Help ignite a GOLDIE’s inner FLAMINGOLD with this donation! Just 75 EURO goes to the funding of an interactive 1 hr workshop at the Thé au Jardin.

Partner With Us

Alongside our invidual donors, we are always seeking corporate, government and non-profit entities with whom to partner. Whether it be the donation of goods or services, the proposal of collaboration, advertising, sponsorship, logistics or the release of works as volunteers, we’d love to talk to you. Help us do what we do - together.

Meet our current partners. We thank them for their support!

Talk To Us!

If you, or the company/organisation you are affiliated with, is interested in becoming a partner, or if you have any further questions about donations or getting involved in some other way, then please contact us using the form below. We’d love to hear from you!

Your Support is Invaluable. Thank You!